Download CentOS 7

CentOS Mirrors List

Boot U Disk

UltraISO How to make disk image

BIOS U Disk Boot

modify system boot order.

Install CentOS 7

  • “Tab” key to modify configuration: vmlinuz initrd=initrd.img dd linux quiet
  • Find your U disk name
  • “reboot” to install
  • “Tab” key to modify configuration: vmlinuz initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:/dev/sdb4 quiet
  • disk partition:
    /: root directory,100GB
    /boot: system file, 1GB
    /biosboot: bios file, 2MB
    SWAP:extended memory,32GB(2 times memory)
    /home: user data,120GB
    /var: log data, 20GB

Network Configuration

//look up network card
nmcli d 
//go to network configuration file directory
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
//edit config file
vi ifcfg-xxxx
//restart network
systemctl restart network
// test network

Remote Access Server by Xshell

Xshell and Xftp