Memo C++ Interfaces
In my development process, Although I have an impression on some C++ APIs, I can’t write them correctly and quickly. So I write this memo for my poor memory.
API-1 ShellExecute
To perform an operation on a specified file. For example:
// open a file
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", filePath, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW);
API-2 std::to_string and std::to_wstring
To convert a value to a string or a wide string.
std::string s = std::to_string(2);
API-3 WritePrivateProfileString and GetPrivateProfileString
To copy a string into the specified section of an initialization file. To retrieve a string from the specified section in an initialization file. for example:
int nValue = GetPrivateProfileInt("AppName","SectionName",nDefaultValue,filePath);
API-4 CComboBox::GetItemData/SetItemData
Sets the 32-bit value associated with the specified item in a combo box.(also in a CListCtrl, Grid…)
int index=combobox.AddString("DisplayField");
int databaseIndex=combobox.GetItemData(index);
API-5 Shell Lightweight Utility Functions
This section describes the Windows Shell lightweight utility functions. The programming elements explained in this documentation are exported by Shlwapi.dll and defined in Shlwapi.h and Shlwapi.lib.
- String Functions
- Path Functions
- Registry Functions
- Color Palette Functions
- Miscellaneous
wchar_t path[_MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, path, _MAX_PATH);
PathRenameExtensionW(path, L".ini");
API-6 _variant_t
TRY can improve stability of the program, for example:
- double(1.23) -> string(1.23) yes
- string(1.23) -> double(1.23) yes
- string(abcd) -> double(????) error
API-7 std::unique
Removes duplicate elements that are adjacent to each other in a specified range.
API-8 struct
Use struct only when there is data, and all others use class.
API-9 explicit constructors
use explicit for single argument constructors
API-10 copy constructors
Use copy constructors only when you need to copy a object.
API-11 TODO comments
Use TODO to comment the code that is NOT perfect, Temporary and to be done in the future.
API-12 Multiple inclusion
#define: C++ standard support #pragma once: Compiler support
API-13 UrlEscapeA
Converts characters or surrogate pairs in a URL that might be altered during transport across the Internet (“unsafe” characters) into their corresponding escape sequences.